• How to install Gorgon?

    Author: theany



  • In my previous post I talked about what is Gorgon, and now it's time to talk about how to install it.

    There's two ways to download files of Gorgon. First you can visit https://repo.darkgaze.org/Gorgon and click zip. It'll start downloading. For the other way, first you have to install Mercurial VCS, then you can clone files from repository. You can clone from repository with mercurial using below command;

    $ hg clone https://repo.darkgaze.org/Gorgon

    There's two main requirements for building and installing Gorgon, CMake, and a compiler. Also there's some dependencies but you can find them in the readme.md file. After installing every dependency an d requirement, now it's time to build. Open a terminal in the Gorgon directory. First crate a build directory and cd into.

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build 

    Then use cmake to generate build configs. You can use cmake-gui but I prefer using CLI version.

    $ cmake -S ../ -B ./ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" -G Ninja 

    Note: -G is optional and sets a generator. I choose ninja because it has multi-threaded compiling.

    Then we build Gorgon.

    $ ninja 

    Note: If you didn't specify any generator use;

    $ make

    If you don't know what generator you choosed, you can build with;

    $ cmake --build .

    Next step is installing the Gorgon.

    $ sudo cmake --install . 

    And that's it. You installed Gorgon!